So our new God is Science! What tosh! (Introduction)

by John Edwards @, Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 19:38 (5982 days ago)

You state "(Dawkins and by inference the majority of atheists) new God is Science and, especially, Darwinism."
That's a load of old rubbish and if this is all your site can come up with I won't be visiting it very often I'm afraid. Science is based on evidence derived from experiments and observations which can be repeated - hence testable, provable facts - something that cannot be said for any God. There may be different ways of interpreting the evidence but the basic facts of science only change by informed concensus - unlike religions. 
Biological evolution is a fact. Period. It is our understanding of DNA, genetics and the effects of different forms of isolation on populations (plus the fossil record) that proves it has occured, continues to happen and will do until the Earth becomes unsuitable for life. 
Darwinism is irrelevant. He was a great thinker and scientist and his theory of natural selection is undoubtedly true but nobody today, not even Dawkins, believes he had all the answers. The fact that he made some errors does not mean that Evolution is false and that there must have been a Creator. 
As a scientist I can neither disprove or prove God. Therefore, scientifically I am an agnostic. However, the overwhelming evidence points to Gods being the creations of human mind and that the "power of prayer" is a myth. Therefore I am perfectly content to call myself a Humanist and positive atheist but Science is certainly neither my nor Dawkins' god.

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