Evolution (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Saturday, January 31, 2009, 16:42 (5602 days ago) @ David Turell
edited by unknown, Saturday, January 31, 2009, 16:48

In my citing articles on the complexity of DNA, I have attempted to convince followers of this website to understand just how complicated this coding system is. As a thought experiment follow this reasoning: DNA, as cells divide or sperm and egg get together, must be preserved as carefully as possible. Major and even many minor errors in transcription can be fatal. Copies must be as close to 100% accurate as possible. Yes, some mutations are due to error, and are rarely beneficial, many neutral, and some deleterious. This exactness of copy process had to be protected from the beginning of sexual reproduction (however that got started) by repair mechanisms, if there were remedial mistakes. That mechanism is now well-shown in the following study: http://www.physorg.com/news152453220.html - And to finish the thought experiment: It would appear that it is logical to conclude that DNA sexual reproduction had to appear simultaneously with its very complex repair mechanism. This repair system is only partially uncovered. There have to be all sorts of biochemical feedback loops to control it. All living biochemistry requires those loops, much more complexity than shown so far. Note that the repair molecules must be eventually removed from the fixed- up DNA and that aspect of the process is not fully discovered as yet. More complexity. So my question is: how does Darwin's chance mechanism of evolution accomplish this? This is not chicken or egg and which came first? It must be chicken and chicken or egg and egg simultaneously. Any thoughts?

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