Play Trap the Atheist (The atheist delusion)

by David Turell @, Sunday, December 09, 2012, 15:21 (4194 days ago) @ hyjyljyj

hy: Positing then the possibility of an intelligent designer/creator can be done in the complete absence of religion, which I might loosely define as the result of man's having artificially divided (or, one might say, 'hacked up') spirituality into warring factions based on rigid dogma and propaganda, to suit his craving for control of his environment. 
> Notwithstanding the aforementioned, we can accept and appreciate, of course, Einstein's usage of the term in the selected quote under poetic license.-I made my decision there was a designer just from the particle physics, standard model of cosmology material that developed in the mid-20th Century. Then began looking at life and evolution and that clinched the decision. As folks here know, I was agnostic after medical school. Took the kids to Temple to give them something, but thought the litergy proved nothing, and never got anything emotional from it. What I have studied gives me the meat of the issue.-And the KJV of the OT is a translation joke. Which makes me feel somewhat sorry for the fundamentalists who soak it up. Ancient Hebrew is six times removed. It had 2-3,000 words with 10,000 total using prefixes and suffixes. Create the universe in six days? "Yom" means any interval of time, from split second to eons! But I'm sure you know all this.

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