What about \"self-evolution?\" (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 01:52 (5438 days ago) @ xeno6696

I would argue that since then the fate of humanity has been much more self-directed than necessarily one of natural selection. - I have read two or three commentaries on just this point: To wit, the human race is in such control natural selection is over. We now do the selecting. For example, we control diabetes, an inherited defect, and thereby are creating more diabetics. We save the weakest. Are we weakening the species in doing so? It raises some ethical questions, but Eugenics is not the way to view things.
> Of course I don't think rapid development necessitates invoking a creator (punctuated equilibrium is much older than I am) but I think its possible that the intelligence David seeks could very well be man himself. - I think my intelligence is a tiny part of the universal intelligence. As for punctuated equilibrium, it is a cute term for something not at all understood, something that happens in medicine all the time. Human nature is such that giving a mysterious phenomenon a name makes the issue more acceptable.

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