More about how evolution works: multicellularity (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Sunday, October 30, 2016, 14:06 (2773 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: If God started life He must have had a goal, and I don't believe it was with the idea of seeing what endless weird permutations of life could be created. That is what you have written.

dhw: I know what I have written. My assumption is that if he created a system that produced endless weird permutations of life, he intended the system he created to produce endless weird permutations of life. Why is that so difficult to accept?

I can accept your supposition. it is quite clear. I don't accept your use of it to negate a purposeful goal.

dhw: I have a slight problem, though, about how we can have direction relations with a personal God who, according to you, deliberately hides himself away behind a quantum wall.

God requires the decision of faith.

DAVID: You imply that He creates only what He wants, and then switch it around, and say He has to anticipate what comes next. One thought doesn't follow the next.

dhw: He doesn’t have to anticipate it. That is the whole point. In my hypothesis, what he wants is a process whose development even he can’t predict. Which is more enjoyable: a story with no surprises, or a story which has you wondering what’s coming next?

You've humanized Him totally. He is a person like no other person. "I am who I am". That is your prerogative as a non-believer.

dhw: I don’t have a problem with humans being a special case. I do have a problem with your theory that all life’s endless weird permutations, extant and extinct, were specially designed to balance life in order to provide food in order to keep life going in order to produce humans.

Yet it explains what we see.

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