God and evolution: weaverbirds (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, April 04, 2017, 13:42 (2617 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: You know my reasoning: balance of nature to supply life's energy for evolution to proceed for millions of years. As for the nest, please note Tony's entry today. God's behavioral instructions.

dhw: The complicated knots are not behavioural, but in any case the question is whether God designed the "variant" himself, or the weaverbird designed it. Balance of nature means life continues, whether there are humans or not. Nothing to do with God’s sole purpose being the production of humans and everything else being related to that. See “God and evolution”.

You always skip the nuanced part of the balance argument: constant balance means evolution can take a long time with a source of energy always present, even during extinctions.

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