Pointy eggs and whales (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Saturday, September 15, 2018, 15:55 (2088 days ago) @ GateKeeper

GK: I do wonder, I am a science guy. I wonder every day of my life. I just understand that we do not know and will not know for some time. I actually don't care as much as I used to, the discoveries in the last ten years point the universe being life itself. we are just part of an endless series of events.

the universe is quantum computing right now, in fact, it is quantum computing you and me. The question is "did it self-organize?" or "Does it have surroundings that formed it in the same manner the biosphere formed us?" both are unknowns, I accept that, but I do wonder.

David: I wonder about your statement that we are a result of an endless series of events. Are you accepting an eternal universe?

GK: lol, the quantum computing you and I is far more interesting, and its based on Knowns. I have no idea if the universe is eternal. whats eternal? 10^100 years? 10^1000^100000 years? eternal is a very, very, long time.

any guess on eternal or finite is based on unknowns.

OK, you wonder but don't make guesses

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