Evolution v Creationism: creationist article in a journal (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, December 19, 2018, 18:47 (1992 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: This is the final summary of a very long review of all we know about evolution of hum ans. It sounds like my arguments. The atheistic scientists are apoplectic that it appeared.

dhw: It is indeed an excellent summary of the design argument which you yourself have put forward in your two books and on this website, and which – along with psychic experiences – is a major factor in my own agnosticism. However, I strongly object to the suggestion that evolution is the province of materialists/atheists. It is perfectly possible to believe in evolution and God and dualism.

It might be interesting to know why the apoplectic atheists object to the design argument, although (I must redress the balance) I can fully understand the view that the mystery of life is not solved by creating another mystery.

The problem is that it appeared in a sacrosanct materialism science journal.

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