Consciousness: brain lesions remove free will (General)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 18:48 (1768 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: Note my bolds. We are all aware that brain damage can damage proper thought. This nutty paper tries to twist that into a case against free will. In the first bold, the author is unaware how words pop into his head. Really? "Garbage in ....garbage out".

dhw: Nobody knows “how” words pop into their heads, because nobody knows how consciousness works. It’s a straight choice: either your cell communities are communicating with one another at different levels, the highest of which is what you suppose to be “you” (= materialism), or an immaterial “you” is communicating with your cell communities (= dualism). The former appears to exclude free will, and the latter allows it. However, on a different plane, it might be said that the law of cause and effect precludes free will both for materialists and for dualists. The effects of brain damage clearly favour materialists, but psychic experiences favour dualists. You may remember that some time ago I proposed a theory of intelligence which attempted a compromise between the two schools of thought.

DAVID: The problem is always the same. A material brain is the seat of immaterial consciousness, which can survive transient death of the brain. Where does it go while the brain is not functioning? My answer is nowhere. The brain is like a radio and receives consciousness when the brain is functional . As for free will it is part and parcel of consciousness, which each person mediates by using his brain to exercise control.

dhw: I thought your answer was that when the brain was not functioning, consciousness went to another world. Of course free will is part and parcel of consciousness. The problem is the source of consciousness, as I have attempted to describe above.

I don't know where consciousness goes, but my thought is in a layer of our reality at a quantum level. Not another world or whatever you mean.

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