Evolution: new forms require new information (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 22:45 (1111 days ago) @ David Turell

Darwinists invent ow it might happen:


"Aaron Wacholder and Anne-Ruxandra Carvunis talk about how to get “new genes from borrowed parts.” In their article, innovation is a key word. It means new information that can perform a function. Where does innovation come from?

"The vast phenotypic diversity of life is in part a consequence of a continual process of genetic innovation. New genes, with distinct structures and capabilities, emerge regularly throughout evolutionary history. [Emphasis added.]

"There’s the assertion. Innovation emerges. Got it? It just emerges. It emerges regularly. Believe it because we say so.

"Making use of genomics technologies, researchers are beginning to form an understanding of the details of the processes by which new genes arise...Transposons are parasitic genomic elements that replicate by inserting copies of themselves in the host genome. Cosby et al. report how vertebrate genes have captured DNA transposon domains, generating new genes that encode new fusion proteins with distinct domain architectures. Fusion of transposon domains with host genes appears to be frequent, with 94 fusion events identified over tetrapod evolution. Transposon domain capture may be a common source of new genes and molecular innovation across the tree of life.

"What Rachel Cosby et al. actually demonstrate in their paper in Science is only some minimal kind of “regulatory innovation.” Their method relies on the shuffling of existing functions in transposons when spliced in with genes. This is about as hopeless as getting new meanings from paragraphs from two books that are cut and pasted in random ways.

"Our findings confirm that exon shuffling is a major evolutionary force generating genetic novelty. We provide evidence that DNA transposons promote exon shuffling by inserting transposase domains in new genomic contexts. This process provides a plausible path for the emergence of several ancient transcription factors with important developmental functions. By illustrating how a transcription factor and its dispersed binding sites can emerge simultaneously from a single transposon family, our results bolster the view that transposons are key players in the evolution of gene regulatory networks.


"Although gene birth through duplication has been extensively documented, how novel protein architectures and biological functions are born has remained poorly characterized. Here, we validate that exon shuffling is a major evolutionary force generating genetic novelty, and we provide evidence that DNA transposons fuel the process not only by supplying protein domains to assemble new protein architectures, but also, in many cases, by introducing the splice sites that enable the fusion process. Although these events must be relatively rare on an evolutionary time scale, the mobility of DNA transposons likely increases the probability of generating a functional gene via exon shuffling by introducing genetic material into new contexts. (my bold)


"The bottom line is that blind evolution is oblivious to function. It is not going to store up mutations in a useless strand waiting for it to hit upon some innovation, any more than a duplicated string of letters is going to happen upon some amazing new concept."

Comment: This is like shuffling cards. All that does is change the of new bridge hands. Where does the new necessary designing information come from? The entire article is worth reading as it shows most current Darwin theory makes up fairytales on faith of how powerful Darwin theory must be, because it is all has to be so correct. Reminds me of David Stove, the Australian philosopher who wrote a very critical book: Darwinian Fairytales. ,1995

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