Let's study ID: giraffe plumbing (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 15:47 (978 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: […] the start of the Cambrian had all sorts of new forms without precursors. The start is the gap. The million of years afterward are window dressing.

dhw: Some say the Cambrian lasted for about 55 million years. Please tell us how many millions of those years do you regard as being the “start”?

dhw: You have not answered this question.

Yes I did. In the Grand Canyon layers were precisely demarked. New fossils do not follow that preciseness. The new phyla (as quoted below) appear around the rock change. The new phyla without precursors are the gap. Why can't you accept it if your hero Darwin did?

dhw: Here is an interesting account of the Cambrian, rather different from your sensationalized version.
CC300: Cambrian Explosion

No need for me to repeat the quotes, which emphasize the uncertainty surrounding the length of the Cambrian, the fact that many of the phyla appear both pre- and post the Cambrian, and the ongoing complexification that took place from the beginning of the Cambrian onwards.

dhw: Nothing is as clear-cut as you like to make it seem.

DAVID: Only if you purposely avoid the obvious, which Darwin recognized, and now you and the article ignore. The line between Edicaran and Cambrian is obviously blurred geologically, but the early advanced forms at end Edicaran had NO obvious close-in-form precursors and are the gradual start of the explosion. Of course anyone can find Darwinist articles written to blur the obvious.

dhw: It is not unreasonable to propose that instead of your God preprogramming every new organ and organism 3.8 billion years ago (plus the changing conditions which presumably switched on the relevant programmes), or popping in to create brand new species from scratch (what happened to common descent?), the absence of precursors from 570+ million years ago is due to the fact that dead bodies tend to disintegrate over time, leaving no trace behind!

You keep ignoring the new discoveries. In China many soft forms, even brains and eyes, are newly found. The gap never narrows!!! Base your thinking on what is known, not theoretical absences to cover your unwillingness to accept Gould's gaps.

dhw: I don’t know what special knowledge you have that makes you so certain about the potential capabilities of cells.

DAVID: Cells only potential is to do their assigned jobs.

dhw: “Assigned” in what way? Cells potential is quite clearly to change the jobs they do! How else could evolution have taken place?

DAVID: By God's design.

dhw: Are you saying that, despite your belief in common descent (except for when you don’t believe in it) your God does not design new species by changing the jobs that existing cells do?

Of course cells have new jobs when God does advanced design.

Immunity system complexity
DAVID: Immunity appeared during evolution, or there would not have been any evolution. The immune cells have all the instructions they need to meet new invaders.

dhw: Of course it appeared during evolution, and of course it evolved during evolution. Now please tell us how your God “instructs” the cells: a library for them to choose from, or constant dabbling?

DAVID: Once a system evolves/is designed, no dabbling necessary.

dhw: Once again you dodge my question. No dabbling would be necessary once your God had designed the system of the intelligent cell which autonomously works out how to deal with new invaders. But you say your God issued the cells with instructions on how to deal with every new invader. Please tell us what form these instructions take – a 3.8-billion-year-old library to choose from, or direct dabbling?

A baby starts without its own personal antibodies, just those in Mother's colostrum and some general God-given ones. The rest of his life his cells are able to make an entire library of antibodies to all that come along with exceptions like HIV which destroy the ability. From evolution of sapiens, their cells followed fixed instructions to accomplish the tasks. Covid 19 was no unanswerable surprise. The system is more recent in designed evolution than 3.8 byo, and not dabbled based on our knowledge of homo precursors..

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