Hawking ditches God (The atheist delusion)

by David Turell @, Saturday, September 11, 2010, 16:14 (5014 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> The Speed of Light (c) is not constant. If C is not constant, all cosmological accuracy, radioactive dating, etc goes right out the window, unless they can calculate every variation of C for the last umpteen billion years. That kind of buggers up all their results doesn't it :P-The speed of light is still constant. Most of the references in the website are quite old by scientific speed of discovery. But one fellow, Joao Magueijo, is referenced as of 2002. Site upgraded in 2003 and Magueijo's book from 2002 is not mentioned: "Faster than the speed of Light: the story of a scientific speculation", in which he admits that playing with the speed, a lot faster at first by 70 orders of magnitude solves some math considerations/issues in the cosmologic standard model, but remains totally unproven. My belief is that website is trying to prove a point that is not proven, only speculated at present.

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