Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, October 08, 2023, 11:47 (225 days ago) @ GateKeeper

GATEKEEPER: Hello, I do learn a lot from you guys. I still can't past comparing what we see to how we classify events. That measurement still ends in "alive". From QED to cosmic web, it just matches. Better stated as measures up. No deity, no fundamental atheist/theist mind set, but in-between.

Thank you very much for this. Both David and I have long had the feeling that we are all alone in the universe as we bite each other’s heads off. It is only his amazing ability to keep us informed of all the latest discoveries that really keeps this website going, but it’s very reassuring just to have another voice chiming in! As an agnostic, I’m naturally doubly grateful for your “inbetween” approach!

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