Revised versions (General)

by Neil @, Saturday, January 26, 2008, 11:43 (5973 days ago) @ dhw

As this guide is an ongoing work, it has become apparent to me that there could be confusion in relation to the amendments I have been requested to implement over the last few weeks. - The online version is complete and up to date. There is the possibility that we have several downloaded versions that have minor differences. - Just to avoid confusion I have now added a numbering system to the guide. The initial guide has no number and as stated there are three versions possibly in circulation. Earlier versions are now defunct and should be deleted / discarded. as DHW has made changes due to comments on the forum. - The result of these changes is Version 2, however I have once again amended one line of text resulting in a variation. Therefore, the current copy is Version 2.1. This will be reflected on the title of the PDF document and not by the actual link location - primarily because the link has now been spidered and I don't want people downloading older versions from a search engine query. The link itself will display the current version of the guide. - When a major rewrite of the second part of the guide occurs, this will be published as Version 3. - Hopefully all this makes sense....

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