Intelligent Design (What should be taught in schools?)

by David Turell @, Monday, August 18, 2008, 17:08 (5768 days ago) @ Carl

Since we are in a thread of intelligent design, as a total non sequitor, may I note that mathematicians, as evidenced by the noteworthy Wistar Institute Sypmosium in 1966, "Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution", are still very skeptical about current Darwinian thinking. The following website uses the Second Law of Thermodynamics to refute the random mutation, natural selection theory. - I think this approach and discussion shows that there is a great deal to ponder in trying to understand evolution. Read carefully it demonstrates that intelligent design proponents have a great deal to offer in any theoretical discussion, and supression of their objections to current thought borders on intellectually criminal activity to my mind. Open minds lead to important discoveries. - Unfortuntely, grants for research are peer reviewed, and grantees, fearful of the establishment, are afraid to open up new thinking; it might offend and damaged one's liveihood. A la Kuhn: scientists are human and have human foibles.

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