A Modern Ecumenical Church (Agnosticism)

by dhw, Tuesday, November 01, 2011, 16:08 (4584 days ago) @ ModernEcumenicalChurch

The Modern Ecumenical Church describes itself as “a real church and a true religion” which fosters “agnostic spirituality”. See

Thank you for contacting us. I’ve read your website with interest and can only applaud your aims. Your social and ethical principles seem to have a lot in common with those of the humanist movement, but the emphasis on open-mindedness is welcome since many humanists are also strong atheists. And although personally I have an in-built resistance to institutionalization, it may well be that there are potential congregations of good folk out there who reject the established religions but do feel the need for a spiritual community like yours.

On a slightly less positive note, I must confess to being put off by words like ecumenical, church and religion, which are hardly compatible with agnosticism. Your rituals (e.g. with drums and bells) and the sight of the young “Host/ Custodian” posing in religious finery would also send me scurrying away. Why all these theatrical formalities if your focus is on community and spirituality? However, these are purely personal dislikes, and other people might find such formal ceremonies attractive or even necessary. To each his own! Once again, thank you for making contact.

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