Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III (Religion)

by David Turell @, Saturday, December 08, 2012, 00:28 (4162 days ago) @ hyjyljyj

hy:Thanks very much for the kind words, David and dhw, and for letting me post my essay here. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.-Thank you for arriving onthe scene! -
> hy:The wiseguys in black also get to drink the blood from his veins, which they really like because Jesus does them the courtesy of changing it back into pricey red wine right before it goes in their mouths. In fact, I've seen the wiseguys and consiglieri sit around and guzzle LOTS of the blood cells and plasma from inside Jesus's cardiovascular system--it's a miracle the poor guy isn't constantly fainting and pale as the shroud of Turin!-
How can you make so much fun of transubstantiation? My fallen-away almost Jesuit friend in college explained to me that only certain consecrated fingers (right thumb and first two) can handle the substances to all of the transformations. These fingers are in an unbroken line of consecrdation from from St. Paul down, and this is why Episcopals don't get the same result! I did not make this up. By the way he married an Episcopal lady.

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