Love me or else (Where is it now?)

by hyjyljyj @, Monday, December 17, 2012, 18:51 (4154 days ago) @ David Turell

In my goy opinion the attempt of Talmudic scholars to go back and "humanize" the image of the jealous, angry, violent, murderous Jewish God of the OT is honorable and sensible, since the bizarre description of him invented by the original writers, whoever they may have been, is as blasphemous as anything ever written: How a supposedly omnibenevolent, merciful God could play the horrible mind-torment games that he does, e.g., with his loving children Abraham and Job (not to mention having his "own son" brutally tortured to death for three days) completely defies the sense of reason God himself gave us, if he exists and bestows qualities on people. The mere fact that, after murdering the whole world in Genesis, for an encore he allegedly perpetrates his sick, maniacal assault on Job and Abraham under the pretext of verifying that they really LOVE him could vie for the title of most perverted and twisted idea ever conceived, never mind written down. This is the CREATOR OF LOVE--who is even called love itself--being depicted as methodically using love as a deadly weapon of terror, daring people even to murder their own innocent children in the name of love. It's enough to nauseate almost anyone not brainwashed to accept it as absolutely true, or else.-Really, no demented psychopath of a human parent, bent on warping their children for life through the deliberate infliction of ritual pain and suffocating dread, could ever come close to the magnitude of horror and ill will that gushes from the pen of the men describing the (obviously fictional) mind of their Bible God, which they must have invented in their own insane image. According to the imaginations of these men, God couldn't be more obnoxious if he were a spoiled rotten brat of an enraged, hysterical little girl off her meds for paranoid schizophrenia, but on PCP and gripping an AK-47, who's just been told she's stupid for wearing such an ugly dress.-Similarly Koranic scholars, if they have any interest in improving their religion's atrocious global PR nightmare, would do very well to go back and revisit THEIR little book of horrors as the Christian and Jewish ones have done in an attempt to repair some of the damage, wouldn't they? Currently--and this is unbeknownst to many within islam--the portions sprinkled throughout their glorious tome in no particular chronological order, yet which were written by Mohammed LATER in his life, after he moved from Mecca to Medina and became more of a lunatic freak serial killer and began marauding around the Arabian peninsula slaughtering everything that didn't jump up and worship him and his new spy novel, are portions said by scholars to abrogate any parts he wrote earlier that advocate love, tolerance, treating Jews and Christians (and even muslims) with respect and never killing anyone (even other muslims). In a bizarre bit of twisted irony, this concept roughly approximates in reverse the Christian tradition, wherein the peaceful, conciliatory words of Jesus in the New Testament are said to replace, offset, repudiate or update the mindless, vindictive violence of the Old--one of the main reasons he "came to earth". -This principle of abrogation in islam is generally absent from the awareness of the group called "modern-day peaceful muslims", who believe they can simply ignore the hateful, scary passages and focus on the banal, soothing parts. Their scholars, clerics, imams, etc. would have to officially and relentlessly repudiate Mohammed's later exhortations and the concept of abrogation in order for their so-called religion to have a chance to improve its putrid public image. (Figure the odds of that ever happening--we had some practice last week when we were figuring the odds of spontaneous generation of a living cell from inorganic mush.) The only reason any muslim is peaceful is that they don't truly understand Mohammed's command that they're violating: to get busy murdering all of us infidels as fast as possible, leaving the entire world one giant, acutely paranoid muslim country, languishing under sharia law. -IMHO it legitimately is in abject disgust at this sort of invented poppycock in the name of "revealed words of the living God" that many reasonable minds do indeed turn to agnosticism. One looks at institutionalized ritual and its phony myth books and says, "Well, THAT steaming mess, and that one and that one, certainly can't be right, so...jeez, I dunno," is basically how the thought process goes, in a nutshell. For me, anyway. One can most definitely find agnosticism while reeling away in shock and revulsion from the utter stupidity and hatefulness (and don't forget the mind-control and money-cult aspects) of organized religion...and then go on to examine the options more deeply in a quest to better understand reality.-As usual, thanks to all for letting me rant...unlike the Bible or Koran, this is more like a smorgasbord of thoughts that people are invited mostly to leave on the table, and just partake of the few that they may like :^D)

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