Interpreting Parables and Prophecies, Part III (Religion)

by David Turell @, Friday, January 18, 2013, 16:07 (4121 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Tony: As I said, science and anything claiming to be from God can not disagree; if they do, either one is false, or our understanding of the data is false. Either way, if creation is of God, and some written word is from God, they can not disagree.-Here we are in total disagreement, since I do not accept your view that the Bible is innerent. Like dhw I view the Bible as written by fallible human beings. It is not the direct word of God. Genesis, as I've noted, is thought to have several authors, as a simple example. The NT is all heresay as I view it. Thus we are discussing from very opposite viewpoints. We both need to keep that in mind.

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