More support for Einstein (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, January 18, 2013, 23:11 (4123 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Tony: IF nothing else, we can say that the UI has a sense of humor... he put the celestial alcohol there where we can see it, but not drink it. Or are these molecules the drippings from his mighty beard. .. .. .. Wait... does that mean god goes to AA meetings? :P Cheers!
> "The proton and the electron are two fundamental particles that make up the atoms inside stars, galaxies and people. Recently, a team of astronomers used the German Effelsberg 100-meter radio telescope to observe alcohol molecules in a distant galaxy, and found that the protons and electrons in those molecules' atoms weigh about the same as the ones right here on Earth."-I'll raise a glass to that!

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