Zero Point Field (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by BBella @, Saturday, February 16, 2013, 22:36 (4094 days ago) @ dhw

Ervin Laszlo looks into the panpsychic approach: 
> Evolutionary Panpsychism: Laszlo further discusses the likelihood that consciousness is universal and that all 'things' are to some degree conscious; "there is no categorical divide between mind and matter... conscious matter at a lower level of organisation (the neurons in the brain) generates conscious matter at a higher level of organisation (the brain as a whole)... the emerging solution to the classical brain/mind problem is evolutionary panpsychism... [which claims that] all of reality has a mental aspect: psyche is a universal presence in the world... [and] psyche evolves, the same as matter... both matter and mind ... physis and psyche [prakriti and purusha] ... were present from the beginning: they are both fundamental aspects of reality..."
> Note that Laszlo specifies "to some degree" ... it's not human awareness as we know it. He then discusses the all-important question that divides the theist from the agnostic from the atheist: 
> "Could the cosmos itself possess consciousness in some form?", but this is difficult to answer since we cannot perceive the quantum vacuum directly and even if we could, "consciousness is 'private', we cannot ordinarily observe it in anyone but ourselves". However "We could enter an altered state of consciousness and identify ourselves with the vacuum, the deepest and most fundamental level of reality [like the vedic method of meditating upon Brahman]... would we experience a physical field of fluctuating energies? Or would we experience something like a cosmic field of consciousness? The latter is much more likely..."-I believe I have seen the field and re-cognized it as myself. I am the field with no separation from it. All just a twinkling soup. I saw that I was in complete control and ran the show of this twinkling soup (consciously and subconsciously). What I see within my field is meant for my eyes only. What I behold is "my" field (this is the choice consciousness has when it evolves into self awareness). And altho we could all look into this same field, because we see from different perspectives within the field, the field accommodates each perspective. It works for us all. I have seen the field and know what it looks like and know it's me. I assume it is the same for us all, but that is not for me to say for another person. What I saw is obviously for my eyes only. What this means for me and the me that is a part of the collective, is what is evolving. Nothing, but the memory of what I experienced is left of that experience. So how I choose to incorporate it into my ever changing experience is yet to be seen. -> 
> Would even this.... field be a single self-aware being, or an interconnected mass of individual consciousnesses, with different degrees of awareness?-Or could it be both? From my own observation, the field is a single self-aware being. It is me - I am it. Yet, I also have the awareness that this same field accommodates each self-aware (as well as differing degrees) of consciousness and is their own personal field as well. We are all interconnected within this web of one field, and their is only one (whether it has dimensions and levels I have no idea). ->The zero point field, like every other theory, seems open to a variety of interpretations, and so I'll happily agree that there's a cosmic field of energies which is the source of All That Is. And I'll happily agree that this field may consist of unselfconscious, physical, fluctuating energies, or of a single self-aware consciousness, or of energies with varying degrees of consciousness. I'll also happily agree that these last two alternatives might explain the strange phenomena arising from human consciousness. So where does that leave us? Simply with the fact that there's a cosmic form of energy that is the source of All That Is, and (like anything else except a complete vacuum) it contains information. -This realization left me recognizing I am this cosmic field. Out of this field came life (me). After quieting my mind from all the ideas and information I received from everything I knew (which wasn't a lot), from there I began to observe just how this field works, thru observation only. This is when I began to recognize the fields synchronizing aspect and the echo factor (I've called it). I had mentioned this before here in the forum. Mystics, philosophers and religious masters have eluded to this aspect of "what is" as well. But that is handed down information. I've been trying to go on my own observation but I can't really get away from the info that goes before within the field. All the info is all there, and is all connected within the field. So for me, it all comes down to what I choose to hold as my own and what I choose to do with what I choose.

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