Intentionally Hidden (Religion)

by BBella @, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 06:17 (4050 days ago) @ BBella

continued...-If men talked with God in the "beginning" and God spoke back or revealed himself to them, and God did this, that or the other thing, and we are made in his image, etc, then I suspect somethings afoot. If God is clearly seen by what is, then it's not the same God as the one that spoke and destroyed and hovered above, etc. The God that can be seen by what is, if it can even be called "God" is more like the Ein Sof we spoke of earlier. A cosmic womb from which all things are made and return to in a constant state of creation. If, from this cosmic womb, a god person, who then created man in his image, and called himself YHWH, then dictated his word to man, but man can no longer can see, claims he created man, then maybe "he" did. And maybe he does have the right to dictate to us or require from us, or wait for us to have faith in him. But that god is not clearly seen. He has intentionally hidden himself from us. I cannot relate the two with each other. -But I can see that "if" from creation, a man/god like being evolved or was created and called himself our God because he, in turn, created us, would want us to believe that because he was created first, deserves, in some sense, a big brother/father status. But, I also believe, that if this is so, this man/god has evolved as well, and now allows us to be what we will be, and not what he, in the beginning, had created us to be - worshipers of him. -This is just my take at the moment. And like yours, it is ever evolving and subject to change.-Sorry I didn't have the time to edit and compress this to one post but wanted to get in a reply.

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