near to death episodes (Endings)

by John Clinch @, London, Tuesday, March 04, 2008, 18:45 (5901 days ago) @ whitecraw

But it would be impossible - certainly unethical - to attempt "test" near-death experiences (NDEs) so we are left only with personal accounts of those who have nearly died. These seem to chime with what happens when neuro-scientists stimulate the "God-spot" or similar areas of the brain of given subjects. Even if we could test NDEs, all we would be left with is subjective experience rather like those who experience life-changing sensations when their God-spots are stimulated. It would demonstrate little except that people have mystical experiences. We know that already. - There is no evidence - and I'm not saying that you personally subscribe to the notion - that NDEs point to the possibility of a life after death, however comforting the notion. So let us restrict ourselves to that which we CAN know about - i.e. to test theories about living brains - and leave everything else to the wannabe true believers (whoops, sorry, "agnostics").

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