The issue of chance... (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Friday, June 12, 2009, 14:25 (5469 days ago) @ Matt S.
edited by unknown, Friday, June 12, 2009, 14:36

After reading the primer, I take issue with the seeming argument that seems to be made about the concept of 'created by chance.' The author seems ignorant concerning the fundamentals of chemistry and what the words 'chance' and 'spontaneity' mean in this context.
> spontaneity refers to the fact that if the ambient conditions are right for a chemical reaction, it will happen spontaneously, any time the right components are present. - These statements from Matt are his basis for thinking origin of life can be spontaneous. Read the folowing link of a recent lab discovery about artifical DNA, formed by intelligent design, with comments by Robert Shapiro. Note that no enzyme was used after the formation of the artifical DNA-like molecule. -

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