Whoa! Whoa! dhw take notice!!! (The limitations of science)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Monday, April 21, 2014, 01:31 (3667 days ago) @ romansh

Did environmental change cause multicellularity? Answer, we don't know.
> We don't know but we do have evidence it can happen
> http://discover.umn.edu/news/science-technology/university-minnesota-biologists-replica... 
> As an agnostic I don't claim to know very much if anything.
> But going around saying we don't know is sort of pointless for me. 
> Give me data, and if you don't have data, evidence will do.-romansh.... that's amazing and it underlines a point I've brought up in this forum multiple times: -""I don't think anyone had ever tried it before," says lead author Ratcliff. "There aren't many scientists doing experimental evolution, and they're trying to answer questions about evolution, not recreate it." "-This is perhaps because my training is in engineering/math, but the general thought among people in my discipline is that you *cannot* say you really *know* something if you can't reproduce it. Math students are coaxed to reinvent the wheel, precisely because its the reproduction of such activities that you gain crucial insights and understandings in whatever it is you're trying to study. -Modern physical sciences to me seem to be extraordinarily *lacking* in this department. -Modern biology is primarily a descriptive science. But the answers to big questions aren't going to be solved by observation and experimentation alone! Construction is a key, and as recognized by that paper, missing step in modern evolutionary science!

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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