Agnosticism and other related labels (Agnosticism)

by dhw, Thursday, May 08, 2014, 14:16 (3650 days ago) @ romansh

ROMANSH: Though one cannot be an atheist and a theist at the same time.
Of course I agree.
ROMANSH: This boils down to how we interpret atheistic...I asked before what is the difference for you between atheist (used as and adjective) and atheistic?*** [My answer is below]-You have so far defined "atheistic" as atheist like, and as your equivalent of bluey green (= say, three quarters unbelieving, one quarter believing), neither of which makes sense in your question "Are you not atheistic towards man walking with dinosaurs prior to a literal world flood?" You asked this in response to the following example which I gave of Dawkins' superficiality: "He comes up with the usual sneer at all the past gods that people are now "atheistic" about [...] By picking on the soft targets of individual religions, he can raise easy laughs, and play with the word "atheism", but one would have hoped for something more discerning at this level."
You've taken this superficiality to extremes. I've pointed out that "According to your twisted use of terminology, someone can be atheistic, theistic and agnostic all at the same time and even in relation to one and the same god." As regards the same god, you wrote: "I certainly have not meant to have said this. Please point out where I have said this." I have now explained it three times, e.g. one can be "atheistic" towards the "god of the flood" (your own expression), agnostic towards the "god of the burning bush", theistic towards the "god of the parting of the Red Sea". All the same god. Your response: what is the difference between atheist and atheistic? Tell me what you think is the point of trying to prove that a person can be theistic, atheistic and agnostic all at the same time, even in relation to the same god. And tell me what you think is the point of my answering your questions when you ignore the answers.-**** "From an atheist(ic) point of view, there is no difference between Yahweh, Allah and Brahma ... they are all figments of the imagination". Atheist(ic) means from the point of view of someone who disbelieves in the existence of god(s). The two words mean the same. According to your two definitions of atheistic, it means = from the point of view of someone who is like someone who disbelieves in the existence of god(s)...or from the point of view of someone who approx. three quarters disbelieves but one quarter believes in the existence of god(s)... (= your bluey green). Does that make sense?-Now please read this carefully: any use of the word "atheistic" to mean anything other than disbelieving in the existence of god(s) can only lead to the confusing, illogical and ... to my mind ... utterly pointless argument that a person can be theistic, atheistic and agnostic all at the same time, even in relation to the same god. But if that's how you wish to use language, carry on. Message received? Over, and if there is no response, over and out.

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