Light and Matter (Origins)

by BBella @, Thursday, May 29, 2014, 00:58 (3627 days ago) @ GateKeeper

We should be careful when we talk about "matter". it is not a thing, it is a series of events. It is ok to talk about it as "something you can hold in your hand" but it is an event. That is an important distinction when you are talking about it in the detail you guys are trying to I think. Even the quarks inside the atom are moving close to the speed of light and exchanging gluons at enormous rates. Just think about the photon density in the room you are in right now. way cool.-Thumbs up to the above! It is difficult to keep in mind that All that Is is ever changing including matter, just at different rates of change. Nothing is ever truly static. So when we discuss matter, what we're really discussing is an event that has slowed its rate of change down long enough for us to observe, discuss, name, and sometimes capture and control it, and then, if possible, use it. But no matter (pun intended), whatever we choose to name or do with "it" eventually it will be something else.-> 
> I see the problem of "unification" lying in "time". There is no time. Only state changes that we call time. So they added a dimension that may not even exist. But it graphs nice and works very well. -I agree, there is no time. There is only change. We named observable changes "time". But as you say, names "work very well" when you are discussing "events".
> !!!! I am not no expert though!!!!
> wow. I have to say, I have been in an atheists forum. If I posted this (even part of it) they all mock the heck out of me. Call me a fool. They don't even know what they don't know, but they have all the answers.-Expert or not, you were able to wisely find your way here, Gatekeeper, where you not only will not be mocked but will be, and are already, greatly appreciated. So please hold tight while we sift your mind like gold miners panning for gold. -bb

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