God & Particles (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by David Turell @, Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 17:28 (3598 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: You are still separating God from the quantum particles of the quantum energy which you believe to be the first cause.-God is both the particles and the organizer of the particles. He is one and the same.-> dhw: you say the making of elementary particles of matter required no intelligence.-God is intelligence. You have implied something I haven't meant to imply. -> 
> DAVID: My above explanation may clear the air. If the particles are designed to work together automatically, they don't need individual intelligence. Does each gear in your car intelligently work with the other gears, or is it intelligently designed to work together?
> dhw: A clever image, but again it requires a separation between designer and the thing designed. Let me repeat: Your whole scenario is based on the theory that all matter is energy and your first cause (your God) is energy. This means that all the particles of everything ARE your God ... he didn't design them as man designs gears: he IS them. This at least gives meaning to your claim that God is within and without all that is. He is inside each particle, but if we examine each particle separately, he is also outside each one, because he is also in all the others. BBella put it very succinctly, and you agreed with her: "...you ARE saying that God, thru QM, IS present in all that IS, living and inorganic..."-bbella has it correctly.

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