Chance v. Design Part 4 (Evolution)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Sunday, July 05, 2009, 00:18 (5446 days ago) @ xeno6696

To pick up where I left off, the point you were making about life's "memory" breaking the Monte Carlo--that is the next logical step in explaining the reason why "chance" is enormously compelling: - Either life came about by a discrete (die roll or coin flip) 'accident' to which all outcomes have an equal chance of being selected, or it is the result of accretion, in which processes of evolution guided these primitive stochastic systems to their ultimate forms via selection, a process that has been well documented and studied. - This is the foundation upon which my support of 'chance' rests, and the form I believe most atheists mean to describe when they use the word 'chance.' Ultimately this concludes what I had started to discuss when talking about chance in the first place... my "chance primer" is finished.

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