Contingent evolution: what pushes it? (Introduction)

by dhw, Saturday, November 08, 2014, 12:24 (3458 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

TONY: I agree with much of what they say about origins, which is a major reason for my not being an atheist, but they also inadvertently pinpoint a major reason for my not being a theist. In their attack on Hawking , “Lennox explains by saying: “If I say ‘X creates X', I presuppose the existence of X in order to account for the existence of X. To presuppose the existence of the universe to account for its existence is logically incoherent.” And to presuppose the existence of God to account for God's existence is also logically incoherent. 
TONY: We can't explain the beginning of the big bang either, since it presupposes the existence of laws and something for those laws to act upon. Claiming that the theistic version does something that the Atheistic/Naturalistic doesn't is disingenuous. -That is precisely my point: BOTH explanations are logically incoherent.-TONY: LOL I am not offended. That quote was put there based on my previous assertion that naturalism, and by extension evolution, were created not because they are accurate, but because they allow their believers to escape moral accountability, in a way.-I couldn't understand why you had suddenly abandoned our rational discussion, ignoring the detailed responses I had given to your objections - nearly all of which are covered by theistic evolution. I'm relieved that you were not offended, but dismayed by the actual reason for your pulling out. Why do you persist in equating evolution with atheism? (If it comes to that, why do you persist in associating atheism with immorality? Should we judge Christianity by the actions of paedophile priests?) You appear to think that believers in the theory, from Darwin himself right through to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Pope, and our very own David Turell, are either frauds looking to misbehave, or self-deluders unaware of the real reason for their belief. The Archbishop, the Pope and our David actively believe in God, so how will their belief in theistic evolution enable them to escape your God-linked moral accountability? In the immortal words of John McEnroe, you can't be serious.

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