James Le Fanu: Why Us? (The limitations of science)

by David Turell @, Monday, July 20, 2009, 16:48 (5404 days ago) @ John Clinch

By the way, psedoscientists positively DO NOT go around trying to publish in scientific journal ... 
 In view of dhw's previous comments about your replies, I appreciate the civility you are showing in this response and I will do the same. We are eons apart in our views but I feel we can learn from each other. No one can read everything in science that comes down the pike. - What is not pseudoscience in the possible paranormal area is the work by Pim van Lommel, a Dutch cardiologist, reported in Lancet Vol.: 358, Dec. 15, 2001. It is worth a read, as a prospective study of near-to-death coronary patients with some extraordinary findings. I have not googled him recently, but I know he continued his work. I can give you references to other physicians' reports. - 
> In some ways, when I reflect on it, there are similarities here.Your "evidence" about RNA and so on can only be "evidence" against the idea that complex life arose spontaneously. Even you must admit it can never be positive evidence FOR an interventionist God ... which is, as you say, a metaphysical claim. The best that the you can do is the argument from personal incredulity. It's so complex it must have had a designer. - I do agree with your observation about me. There will never be positive proof of God, only as Adler uses 'proof beyond a reasonable doubt', and we do convict in error at times. 
> Go and try and find evidence for God in RNA and good luck. You're not alone in your desire and many have tried before to prove God by looking at nature. - Just as Antony Flew has done. Perhaps in his 80's he is accepting Pascal's wager, but he also has accepted Christianity in his book. I can't go near Biblical fairy tales, apologies to Mark. I'll stick with a universal intelligence. - 
> I think you are guilty of repeating William Paley's mistake with his watch and his eye analogy. - DNA/RNAS coding is enormously more complex than watchmaking. It is the key to my persuasion. Where did the inherent information come from? All life runs on it.

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