Wound repair (Introduction)

by dhw, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 20:06 (3285 days ago) @ David Turell

Organisms Are Not Machines | Philosophy for Real Life - Bill Meacham -http://www.bmeacham.com/blog/?p=1171-QUOTES: 
“I cannot do justice to Talbott's article in this short summary. I urge you to read it yourself. The upshot is that organisms are not machines and it is a mistake to think of them as if they were. But if they are not machine-like, what are they? How do they function?-"Talbott's account of organisms contains themes remarkably similar to the process metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead, which asserts that (a) process is better taken than substance as the most fundamental concept pertaining to all of reality and (b) everything has an aspect of mind as well as matter.”-“Organisms have mind, awareness of their surroundings, and intentions, says Talbott.”-“The higher-level mental unity of the whole informs the mentality of each of the parts and gives direction to their growth and development.”-dhw: You could hardly have a clearer exposition of how intelligent cells cooperate to create an organ or organism that unifies their intelligences. I'm glad Talbott is one of your favourite authors.-DAVID: I've explained why above. He asks questions to which I have answers satisfactory to me. I have the right to my own interpretations of the evidence.-Talbott is repeating the same interpretation of organic behaviour offered by one scientist after another in modern times. Yes of course, you have the right to disagree with the growing phalanx of scientists and thinkers who believe in the concept of the intelligent cell, as opposed to the automaton. However, I hope you will understand why I can't take your word for it, despite your impeccable credentials as a scientist, doctor, scholar, gentleman, cowboy and friend.

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