The Universe as a Tragedy... (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by BBella @, Saturday, August 01, 2009, 21:07 (5405 days ago) @ dhw

We've just had a visit from our one-year-old grandson (congratulations, BBella, I know just how you feel), and the pleasure and love that we have experienced are almost indescribable. So although humans can't conceive how God could possibly keep track of all the billions and billions of his creations, he might be the multiest of multi-taskers and have his own means of watching. - Yes, and if he is such a multi-tasker, probably could just as well have his means of watching thru each and everyone of all of creations eyes...even if there are no eyes...there are other senses....some of which we have only begun to comprehend. Thanks for the congrats...these wee ones bring out of us, especially when they came from us, a special spark like no other. Maybe it's that creator aspect of ourselves that feels the remembrance of just who we are. - 
>And he might well hate some of us and love others. Fortunately, we can assume that since we have a sense of humour, he's got one as well, and you can imagine him laughing his head off at the clever human minds which pooh-pooh the idea of design and earnestly believe that chance dunnit. On the other hand, I doubt if he's laughing at the maniacs who slaughter people on his behalf. On a third hand (which would be very useful, sir, if you ever rethink the design), he might not care two hoots, so long as we keep entertaining him. - Sometimes people have to experience hell as an individual, a society or family, etc, in order to evolve the incoming. We are all a product of the whole.
> The universe as a tragedy? Yes, indeed. And also as a comedy, a love story, a mystery, an adventure, a horror movie, science fiction, and whatever else we humans care to make of it. The universe is wonderful and terrible. But ... let me creep back into my agnostic shell ... whether it was made or just evolved that way, who knows? - Maybe it's both.

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