Virus evolution; complex organisms but not fully alive (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, February 29, 2016, 13:36 (2997 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: I think these questions should be asked, and yours is a great answer.... if your God did create our advanced degree of consciousness, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it might reflect his own. And so I “imagine” that perhaps God feels evolution should present unpredictable varieties to make it more interesting than simply boring robots producing whatever he has preprogrammed them to produce. This is “just as reasonable to me as your imaginings are to you”.-DAVID: Thank you, but I'm of the opinion that God thoughts are not as anthropomorphic as you suggest. His thoughts may be at an entirely different level.
-ANY interpretation of God's purpose is anthropomorphic. You imagine your God's thoughts to be: “I'm going to create humans, and so I'm going to start off with single cells and preprogramme them to come up with millions of innovations and lifestyles and natural wonders in order to balance nature so that eventually it will produce and feed humans.” I imagine him thinking: “Let's make some autonomous living organisms and see what they come up with.” Your personal belief in your imaginings (mine are just a hypothesis) does not alter the fact that your anthropocentrism and my higgledy-piggledy are both anthropomorphic projections at the same level.

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