Genome complexity: mechanism stopped evolving (Introduction)

by BBella @, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 19:59 (2905 days ago) @ dhw

God would not be your common inventor as we know inventors to be. It seems to me, if there were an all wise God, who in the beginning created all that IS and then rested from his works and let be, as the scriptures testify, I would think that kind of God would have no need to fiddle, as he would have already implanted every need, variation and ability needed into All That IS. Not to say, as the scriptures also testify, he didn't fiddle with the plans of man.[/i]-I meant to say, "as the scriptures also testify, he did fiddle with the plans of man".
>[dhw] Maybe he's not all wise. Maybe he's a process God, learning as he goes. Wouldn't it be incredibly boring to know everything? Do you enjoy novels, plays, films whose plot developments and denouement are already obvious from the start?-I agree, if he's a process God, learning as he goes, this would be so. The premise above was: If he were an all wise God that rested, as the scriptures posit. 
> BBELLA: But as you know, if there was A God in the beginning, what I think is more likely the case, God multiplied and became ALL That IS which explains why ATI is so brilliant! And that simply explains everything except how.
> Or maybe there was just energy in the beginning, and energy kept and keeps transforming itself into all the forms we know and don't know, some of them conscious, some of them not. And that would explain why ATI is such a rich mystery, and why we spend so much time vainly trying to grasp the ungraspable.-In my above statement, I was going on Davids premise, "if there was a God in the beginning before ATI (not the scriptural beginning). But I agree more with your above statement and believe it more likely to be the case. But as you know, the way I see the scenario more likely unfolded was: If there were a beginning, energy came first - then formed beings we dont know, that we now call God/gods, that probably created beings we do know, humans. Round and round we go...

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