Did you see? (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by David Turell @, Saturday, September 19, 2009, 14:03 (5357 days ago) @ BBella

While reading his info on Wikpedia I came across this quote of his; "-after the COBE research team announced on 23 April 1992 that the satellite [COBE] had detected tiny fluctuations in the CMB, a breakthrough in the study of the early universe. The observations were "evidence for the birth of the universe" and Smoot said on the importance of his discovery that "If you're religious, it's like looking at God."
> I'm not really understanding exactly what it was he saw that he believes was "like looking at God?" Anyone?
> -Your explanation lies in Alan Guth's book, The Inflationary Universe, 1997. The inflation equations predicted how the curves would look from the COBE results in the first studies of the background radiation, the afterglow of the Big Bang, about 10^-35 second after the Bang. The actual results and the predictions had a close enough fit to be a very exiting result. Smoot and Guth worked together. This study is looking at a very close aftermath of the Big Bang. There is no study BEFORE the Bang, just immediately AFTER. The quote simply means, if one believes in that God created the universe thru a Big Bang, then the results were like looking at God.

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