Paradise (Where is it now?)

by BBella @, Thursday, December 31, 2009, 21:59 (5235 days ago) @ dhw

Is there anything, though, other than a dreamless sleep that we could conceive of as being bearable for all eternity?....Endlessness, even without suffering, sounds to me like an unbearable prospect, and if there is a God, I really wonder how he can cope, other than by constantly devising new entertainments for himself. So what would all of us do for the rest of time?-For my own entertainment, while frozen in time nearly 5-7 years, I examined my own beliefs and expectations of the afterlife, and after much interrogation of my thoughts, as you mentioned above, I found nothing I believed from my religious store of knowledge could possibly be satisfying or blissful forever! I then recognized the sense in the belief of an angels rebellion wreaking havoc on innocent earthlings. Obviously, they had done everything else for millions of years, and out of shear boredom, decided to pillage and plunder what was off limits to them...Earthlings! Then I examined the atheist or non-believers thought to take comfort in the idea of deaths began to make complete sense to me why this belief would be favored for some. If there were an eternal life for the soul, whether in suffering or bliss, it would eventually become static at some point and, as you said above, a final death seemed almost a relief of the mind! -But having more time on my hands, I began to reach further than my religious store and beliefs to try and use my imagination and reach further into what could be an even better answer, or, at least more satisfying to my own mind than death or an unbearable eternity. I asked myself, what "could" make ME happy for all eternity??? That is when reincarnation seemed to work it's way into my imagination. I could begin to see the purpose and value of forgetfulness (if warranted, like here on earth), age, experience, lessons learned, and lives lived for wisdom's sake! Being raised Christian, I had never considered these ideas before..and they seemed to fit well with my process thinking I had already began to actually see with my own eyes. So I began to contemplate how reincarnation could be acceptable and satisfying to my own mental contemplations. I have since expanded the idea of reincarnation being one of many choices of eternity.-I imagined heaven or eternity as the interlude/in-between time/rest stop (I have come to think of as the "home" everyone at sometime in their life becomes "homesick" for) that we dwell in anywhere from a day to a thousand years long...whatever suits us. Like a resting stop to take in all that's been learned and to think about what kind of life lessons one might want to gain in a future life, or whenever or if ever. I thought about this time not being under some religious ideal but being something within a our own souls power and decision making rules....a place free from any rules but ones we would choose for ourselves (who wouldn't get tired of that eventually?). Within this place there would be ways to connect to our soul connections (loved ones), as long as that person was not busy in a new life (the "busy" sign would be up on their connector). There could even be long lived connections where people would design their new lives to live together again but in different roles for different purposes...but all working toward the one ideal of edification and growth of the soul, or whatever is chosen between them for their new adventures. Earth and earth time would not be our only choice's. The choices of what to experience and how to experience it would be as rich as as a mind on full throttle (over the 10% could imagine) and more! These thoughts on heaven aren't set in stone...sometimes I change them.-God on the other hand, in my tiny mind, would not be one gigantic being living vicariously thru these different lives of all beings...but IS all that is...the framework of what IS, and therefore would not have one mind like we imagine in our 10% of a brain, so would not be subject to boredom as our tiny mind is. -> 
> George is quite certain that Paradise doesn't exist anyway. For me it's inconceivable, just as a Universal Intelligence, a chance creation of life and the stars, a D-I-Y mechanism for consciousness, a Big Bang from nothing etc. are all inconceivable. But we're told 96% of the universe consists of unknown matter and energy, and I probably only understand about 0.0000001% of the 4% we do know, including human reality. So I'm certainly not qualified to say what's possible.-I'm definitely not qualified to say what's possible but I am qualified to imagine what could make me happy, while still here, about my afterlife...and so far, I am pretty happy with this scenario of an afterlife. The more technologically advance we become the more I have to changeup my ideas...because I am thinking, if certain things are already available here on earth then probably the technology is so much more advanced in my in-between time...but no sooner do I imagine becomes available here....

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