Pointy eggs and whales (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Sunday, September 23, 2018, 15:18 (2079 days ago) @ GateKeeper

GK: yeah, sorry 'bout the writing. I write as if I am talking I guess.

Tony: Lets start off with the basics. How can humans be more complex than the biosphere?

David: You really haven't answered my premise: a first cause is by definition the start of everything. Can you get something from nothing? I know the first cause is an unknown, but in your way of thinking must there be a first cause?

GK: I don't know enough to say there must be a first cause. The universe either started from 'something" or it started from 'nothing". If it started from something I have no idea what that something is. A lab technician making the universe isn't what I would use as my final conclusion, yet.

I think I told you, if I had to pick a start, I would go with the notion of "born". It just fits the observations the best for me. so my first cause would be "birth of the universe" from "life" before it. It's not much, but its all I gotz.

How does a universe start from nothing, which is one of your two choices? It seem to me you accept the 'now' but don't care to ponder about beginnings or why there was a start. Fair enough.

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