philosophy of science: meaning and functions (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Sunday, September 23, 2018, 19:56 (2048 days ago) @ David Turell


DHW: Why is being proud and wanting credit less human than being bored with isolation?

Tony: David is the one with issues about assigning human qualities to God. If we are made in his image, I have no real issue with it other than to say his ways are not our ways, they are higher than are ways. As for the difference, if you did something, then taking credit for it, even wanting the credit for it, is simply wanting the truth to be known. Would you want people believing, and spreading, lies about you? In our society we view that as so vile that we have laws against it and punishment for it.

David: That is all I am saying. His ways are beyond ours, and applying human reasons and emotions is not correct.

Just correcting the quote attribution above. Those were my words, not DHW's. :)

DHW: In order (= purpose) to relieve his boredom he creates a spectacle that enables him to grow and develop. It might help us, though, if you explain how he grows and develops. Could it be that he extends his own experience by creating a world full of love and hate, beauty and ugliness, joy and pain?

Tony: I don't think he, being a sentient living being(of a sort), would willingly inflict pain upon himself. I think he did something good that brought joy, and something happened that screwed it up in such a way that, in a sense, his hands were tied for a while. Saying that he created pain for his own experience is like saying a person without cancer would suck down a full course of chemotherapy drugs just for kicks.

David: The reason for much of the evil and pain is human free will God gave to us. Illness and other problems can be solved/ are being solved, over time with the brain He gave us.

I don't disagree, and as a parent, I understand how personally painful and frustrating it can be to watch your children exercise free will in a manner you know will hurt them long term, and them being unwilling to listen.

DHW:... Life as we know it contains as much pain as it does joy, and it is faith not reason which enables some people to believe in a loving, caring God.

Tony: Oh, life does indeed contain pain. I've never questioned that. I do question the source of that pain, however. What my observations show is a virtual paradise that has been decimated by people unwilling to follow directions. Why would I blame God for that?

David: But dhw is correct. We have the problems of illness and cancer but a way to solve the problem with use of our brain.

No one has disagreed about the existence of pain. I do disagree with one statement of DHW's here that I didn't address. I think it is the combination of Faith AND Reason that allow for the belief in a loving God. Faith allows you to believe he exists, reason shows where the break downs are occurring and assign blame and motives accurately. DHW's reasoning is flawed because he blames the lawmaker for the criminals.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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