Cosmology: milky way size is enormous (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, June 09, 2019, 08:16 (1785 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: I do see God's purposefulness, but you are asking me questions I cannot answer with any kind of theory, while I know God acted with purpose as He fine tuned our universe. Explaining His designs are just like doubting the design of the retina. Research always manages to show why! And of course you can talk about it, but mostly you just doubt or humanize.

dhw: If God exists, then of course he acted with purpose. But you keep insisting that you KNOW his purpose, namely to produce H. sapiens. And you know that he specially designed every life form, and he did so for the sole purpose of getting them to eat or not eat one another until he specially designed H. sapiens, and you know that he specially designed lots of small galaxies incapable of harbouring life although all he wanted to do was to design a galaxy capable of harbouring life so that he could produce H. sapiens. I am challenging these basic assumptions, and you yourself admit that you have no idea why he chose that method to achieve that purpose. I offer alternative explanations which you admit make perfect sense. Why do you assume your God does not have human characteristics, and does not work in ways that conform to human logic?

DAVID: Because God is not a human person. In Adler's words, He is a person like no other person. You can challenge my 'basic assumptions', but I believe that God chose to start life with bacteria and use evolution to evolve humans. And He managed evolution hands on until He reached his goal. Your 'alternative explanations' are perfectly logical in human terms, which means your approach constantly makes attempts to humanize God. He is not human.

Only a total idiot would claim that your God is a human person. What human person could create a universe? But that does not mean a creator cannot share certain attributes with his (her/its?) creations. You yourself have claimed that he wants to form a relationship with us. Hardly possible if there is no common ground! You still refuse to recognize that your concept of evolution entails your God specially designing every single life form, and the problem with your basic assumptions is that it makes no sense even to you that he should specially design millions of non-human life forms if his only purpose was to specially design humans.

DAVID’s comment (under "backwards retina":) Never question God's designs as wrong!

But we should constantly question interpretations of your God’s purposes and methods that are manifestly illogical, such as the special design of small galaxies in order to specially design one large galaxy capable of supporting life in order to specially design H. sapiens. Or the special design of the salmon’s migratory reproductive system so that the salmon may eat or be eaten until your God can specially design H. sapiens.

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