Information as the source of life; not by chance II (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:58 (1449 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTE: "The concept of information makes no sense in the absence of something to be informed—that is, a conscious observer capable of choice, or free will (sorry, I can't help it, free will is an obsession). If all the humans in the world vanished tomorrow, all the information would vanish, too."

dhw: I was tempted to ignore this, as we have covered it over and over again. The whole discussion is pointless unless the writer defines what he means by information. Information to me means the facts about a given subject or object or event or person etc. etc. The sun must contain millions of facts. It takes a mind to observe or record them, but that does not mean that the facts are not there without being observed. This is solipsism gone mad!

DAVID: The info is there with or without humans, but is unrecognized without minds being present to understand it.

Thank you. That is all that needs to be said in answer to the article. If anyone is interested in other aspects of the subject, I suggest they read the discussion that took place in January this year on this thread.

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