An ideal ultimate truth? (Origins)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, May 05, 2010, 16:33 (5126 days ago) @ dhw

BBella (Under "The Big Bang"): If intelligence was before the BB [...] possibly that intelligence was (and remains) something akin to the biblical word "spirit". This intelligence was without form or matter, similar to what you, dhw, would like to return to in your ultimate reality wish after death [...] Why create physical matter? Why not? Isn't matter just energy vibrating faster (showing my ignorance here)? That wouldn't be creating something from nothing, it would be spirit (non-matter) inhabiting matter possibly in an evolutionary way [...] Possibly that's all we are...spirit intelligence having an experience chained within matter.-
The above relates closely to what I have been presenting. I have always started with an observation made by my philosophy professor, a Ph.D. and a Baptist minister. Mind and matter are two aspects of the same. "Mind is energy on the inside and matter is energy on the outside". The Universe is pure energy. Matter is what we experience, but it is energy all the same. The UI is energy, and can be called 'spirit' as bBella does. If we presume that there has always been energy, then 'spirit' has always been eternal. It doesn't answer the famous question, why is there anything instead of nothing, but it establishes a first cause. Our brain creates consciousness, a thinking intellect not directly from brain matter but from energy within brain matter. Why does this sound strange to us: We cannot appreciate energy when we observe matter. This computer desk is wood, but filled with energy I cannot appreciate. It is just wood, but it isn't. This is why quantum theory is so counter-intuitive, and we can only see the surface of the 'wall of uncertainty'. It we could get to the other side we wouldn't be so confused. Try using this concept as you think about God.

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