Spirituality and the Brain (Identity)

by David Turell @, Sunday, May 23, 2010, 20:07 (5093 days ago) @ dhw

> and maybe there are impulses beyond the current scope of our measuring instruments, and maybe these continue for a short time after the death of the brain, before the final blackout. Lots of maybes. -It is worse than you may remember in the van Lommel article. There are those patients who are aware of leaving their bodies and watching procedures on themselves. There are the folks going down the tunnel to the light, and learning information they could not otherwise know. And the fellow from the pasture, 45 minutes until resuscitated, flat EEG and EKG, and he 'knew' who took his teeth and where they were placed. The 18% is an approximation. Different studies vary from 1/5th to 1/4th in the occurrance of these phenomena. And don't forget the killer statistic: the deeper and more complex the remembered NDE, the quicker you die. So its not just that you have an NDE, but it fortells the rate of mortality. Of course, all we know about are those who survive and tell the tale. We don't know the percentages of NDE's in those that simply go ahead and die.

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