New Extremophiles: so many ocean bottom dwellers (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, February 07, 2022, 07:23 (833 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTES "The tiniest creatures, however, are often the glue that holds food webs together. They are also critical regulators of the global climate, helping to bury carbon in the deep ocean. (David’s bold)

"'These deep-ocean sediment assemblages comprise not only taxa that are known to be important drivers of the biological carbon pump but also several taxonomic and functional groups that have been overlooked in what is arguably one of the most fundamental ecological processes of the world ocean," the authors write.

"'Together, our results highlight the [deep ocean sediment] as one of Earth's richest modern ecosystems and fossil archives[/b].'" (David’s bold)

DAVID: Again, an example of the diversity of life where I believe life started.

Another eye-opening article, for which many thanks. I also appreciate your two bolds and your comment. The diversity of ecosystems and of life forms is truly a source of wonderment, regardless of whatever theories we may devise about how it all happened.

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