The limitations of science (The limitations of science)

by dhw, Monday, September 13, 2010, 10:20 (4996 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

BALANCE_MAINTAINED: [...] For me to believe a man was smarter than God, whatever man created would have to be able to reproduce new and more complex structures over time [...]-You have hit on one of the main reasons why atheism remains a step too far for me. I would say "as smart as" rather than "smarter", since God ... if he exists ... thought of it all first. We are not capable of creating live, self-reproducing organisms which bear within themselves the potential ability to adapt and innovate. Even if we could, that would only be proof of how consciously intelligent we are, and therefore would scarcely support the thesis that conscious intelligence is not required to produce such organisms.-P.S. Forgive me, but I can't resist it: I cut your sentence short in order to end on a striking word: "new and more complex structures" over...what? You see, you need "time" even if you don't believe it exists ... and I don't mean just the word.

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