origin of life (The atheist delusion)

by Carl, Monday, July 21, 2008, 03:43 (5761 days ago) @ David Turell

David Turell writes
"There is an excellent summary of the objections to the current theories (?) of origin of life by science at Uncommon Descent: http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/faith-and-reason-in-the-ool-context/#... - Paul Giem established that the Miller-Urey experiment did not produce life, that no scientific explanation for the production of life has yet been derived and that explaining how abiogenesis might have occurred is very difficult. He did not prove that it is a hopeless task and should be abandoned.
Even if scientists produce life in the lab, it will not prove that God didn't do it the first time. Failure of science to produce life in the lab will not prove that God did it. Also, if God created the solar system knowing that the earth would form and abiogenesis would occur, did he create life? And if he created our galaxy knowing that our solar system would form did he create the solar system?

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