The Sermon Part 2 (Agnosticism)

by Carl, Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 20:12 (5772 days ago) @ David Turell

David writes about God and the nature of the universe, "This may be the only way He could do it and create a universe (dangerous as it is) that would evolve to allow intelligent life".
The implication that the ultimate objective of God was intelligent life and , presumably, humans seems unlikely. 13.7 billion years since the universe was created, 4.5 billion years since the earth was created and 160 million years of dinosaur dominance just to arrive at a few thousand years of humanity seems like the long way around. I would say that if we are special in the eyes of God, we must be just one of many projects.
David also asks of an earlier post of mine suggesting self organization of matter, "why should organic material be that way? By chance or by design?".
This was a question I had never considered, and it takes the issue all the way back to the Big Bang. Does anyone have any information on whether the properties of the elements and all their of their countless compounds with other elements are thought to be established as part of the physical constants created in the Big Bang, so that a different universe would have different elements with different properties?

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