Why not--Maltheism? (Religion)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Monday, June 27, 2011, 23:04 (4712 days ago)

Dies Irae, 
Dies Illa,
Solvet Cosmos In Favilla 
Vocamus Te, 
Aeshma-Deva!-I've often discussed my explorations of mysticism—especially of the Hermetic kind—and I think the followers of what they term "Left Hand Path" traditions have something important to say about many of the things we have discussed here. Lately, David's been showing us a side of himself, where he seems enamored with the "civilized" life man has created, seemingly to distance himself and ourselves from the rest of the animal kingdom. Actually David, much of your writing reminds me of St. John of the Cross, and his insistence that all things "good" that man does, isn't us, but is a manifestation of the holy God. My goal here is to explore some of the things that followers of the LHP point to as equals to what RHP religions follow. Specifically, the very fact that nothing in the universe is ever created without something else being destroyed. -Life as an essential force, feeds on the continuous destruction of other organisms, either by happenstance, on purpose, or by accident. Man, requires the destruction of plant material (at a minimum) in order to continue his existence. As the previous discussion of entropy goes, a fundamental law of the universe is that order always comes at the cost of more disorder. In most religions, every God has also its anti-God. However, we inherited from our Judeo-Christian traditions a God that is only good. -But Hindu traditions have also worshipped the "Left Hand of God." In Jewish Mystic traditions, the Left Hand Path comes from inverting the Sephirotic Tree of Life, and in investigating the realms of death—or hell. (This path can only be taken safely with the assistance of angels.) Modern LHP traditions have their own exegesis of canonical scripture, and indeed much of their own, and their picture of religion, of life, and the world is drastically different. -The role of destruction in the universe plays a central role in these cults. Therefore their views are also more confrontational. Man is not civilized, according to these mystics. They counter that our true nature is as predators. Watch what happens when law and order disintegrates in Africa. Where is order then? Where is our "civilization?" Law and order only exists because of an assertion of power. Destructive power. Fear isn't something to shy away from, its something to conquer; to use as a tool as well as exorcise from your mind. The lyrical play on Mozart's Dies Irae at the beginning of this post, is written by just such a mystic. As a part of his life, he murdered a man for his beliefs, and at the culmination of his musical career, he sacrificially ended his own life. The words he penned above, as well as the entire album he wrote, was a masterwork in worship of chaos and destruction. If you ever want to be chilled... yes, even for a skeptic such as myself, the album evokes powerful emotion.-At fundamental odds, is David—and all of western civilizations—concept of a loving caring God. The God(s) that Jon Nödtveidt worshipped were Gods that represented the same side of the same God, operating from the same principles of nature that many have observed for countless millennia. (The religion, is called "Draconian Setianism.") -What I bring to this discussion here, is in recognizing that the basic values of life reverberate through the cosmos. Creation can only come from the destruction of something else. There is no prime cause, unless the prime cause was itself destruction. This is in fact one form of divinity I have discussed in the past: the universe is the result of a dead God. Any order that exists has come at the expense of its own dissolution, but even its own efforts are eventually wasted. -The seventh aeon will soon pass as it has been foretold 
The false empires will crumble and all illusions shall be destroyed 
The enslavers tremble with fear, soon our stars align 
The forbidden gates begin to open by the power of our forceful sign -Daath - wisdom of the abyss is the key to the broken star 
Eleven angles pathways of chaos will bring forth our most wrathful god 
Qliphothic forces from beyond will usurp the tree of cosmic lies 
The sleeping dragon awakens smelling the elixir of our sacrifice -Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla 
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva 
Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla 
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva -This is the winter of the last aeon, the hungry end is coming soon 
Harbinger of the day of wrath will eclipse the sun and rape the moon -Unfold the starless aeon, the hungry end is coming soon 
Harbinger of the day of wrath will eclipse the sun and rape the moon -The snake will completely devour itself putting an end to the cycle of time 
Acausal flames will burn all to ashes erasing all signs of the demiurge crime 
Our dark gods of chaos will return, this time to rule forever supreme 
The dragon mother will then resurrect and end this cosmic dream -Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla 
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva 
Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla 
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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