Abiogenesis (Origins)

by dhw, Saturday, August 06, 2011, 11:38 (4668 days ago) @ broken_cynic

KENT (b_c): We're going around in circles on a couple of points and I'm going to try to condense my various conversations with you (dhw) into one reply. I'm not sure if I'll succeed, I am a wordy bastard.-You're right ... about the circles, I mean. And I'm even wordier than you, though I'm far too polite to myself to call myself a bastard. It would help us both if you could clarify the points of confusion, which I think you can easily identify from our conversations so far. -As regards the PZ Myers quote (thank you for that), I think David has effectively dealt with the science, although as you will see from my post, I was surprised by his conclusion. I would, though, elaborate on one point: Even if life is made of "little tiny plastic bricks", the crucial question for me is not why we haven't seen life re-evolving, but how those little tiny plastic bricks put themselves together in the first place to create the mechanisms for life and evolution. "We just haven't found the formula for a chemical replicator yet." He might have added, "let alone a replicator capable of adapting and innovating as it goes along". If it's simple enough for chance to accomplish, how come our own intelligent designers find it so difficult?-That, of course, is a major and recurring sticking point between you and me, but let me forestall the usual response by agreeing that "creationists have their own problem of demonstrating origins". I am not championing the creationist cause. I do not (cannot) believe in either cause. I shall now look forward to the condensed responses in due course, and will do my best to reciprocate.

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