3am musings (Humans)

by David Turell @, Saturday, September 10, 2011, 00:04 (4635 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> I don't find it necessary to believe in God. I do, but that is me. What is troubling to me about this line of thought is what it infers into the question of values. Specifically, why bother valuing something that has no worth outside my own head? What value do I hold outside of my head, or that of others? There are other more wild ideas that go floating around my head when I get wrapped up in a train of thought like this, but the core of what bothers me about this line of thinking is that I inevitably come back to the question of, why bother? Why bother doing all the things that we do for things that do not in fact exist at all as anything other than nebulous transient ideas?-I believe also, but I decided to believe after not believing for many years. therefore I feel I have to believe. As for values outside yourself, do you feel you should leave this mortal coil a better place on departure, than you found it upon entry? I do very strongly, but I felt that way before I came back to God. I think such determinations are an individual matter.

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